The Board approved integration and consolidation of the Department of Housing and Community Action Programs (HCAP) with the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), under the supervision of the Health and Human Services Agency Director, Laura Burch.
This integration of departments will streamline services to the community, as both departments often serve the same populations. Laura Burch has formerly worked as an administrator for the HCAP, giving her experience and insight to the programs and practices of the department.
The Department of Housing and Community Action Programs (HCAP) is a small department consisting of less than 25 full-time employees. Placing the HCAP under the supervision of the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Director allows the employees of the HCAP to focus on providing services to residents of Shasta County, as well as the North State Continuum of Care, further drawing down administrative and fiscal support from HHSA.
Following a presentation by the Acting Director of HCAP and the HHSA Director during the January 24, 2023, Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board directed staff to bring for action the consolidation of HCAP into HHSA in order to streamline, consolidate, and improve services to the community.