State Approves Shasta County Drought Relief Grant Application

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Date: July 8, 2022

On May 31, 2022, the Shasta County Board of Supervisors established the Shasta County Grant-Funded Drought Relief Program for the purpose of utilizing State of California grants to provide water and drought relief work and services to qualifying households and communities. On July 7, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Financial Assistance, approved Shasta County’s application for a drought relief grant in the amount of $2,474,998 through 2024. This grant provides funding for domestic water supply assessment, bottled water delivery, water tanks and hauled water, domestic well pump repairs and replacement, domestic well deepening, and new domestic wells for income-qualifying households. Households with an annual income equal to or less than 80 percent of the statewide median annual household income are eligible for assistance under this grant. Households within Shasta County experiencing domestic water supply issues are encouraged to contact the Shasta County Environmental Health Division at (530) 225-5787 or scehd [at] (scehd[at]shastacounty[dot]gov) to determine if they are eligible for assistance under this grant and, if so, to begin the application process.

Contact: Tom Ramont, Community Education Specialist (530) 225-5789