General Information

Building Plan Review and Related Information:

The Building Division can provide approximate cost estimates on proposed structures based on the square footage. However, the final fees cannot be determined until the plans have been checked and review process completed.

The following is a list of the items needed on all building plans:

  1. Floor Plans - Must indicate room sizes, room use, window and door sizes/type (slider, casement, etc.), electric, plumbing layout, etc. Show true north arrow.
  2. Framing Details - Show roof framing, beam spacing, bracing, trusses (on trusses, furnish the engineered drawings and layout with your plans).
  3. Foundation - Layout showing the width and depth of footings, rebar, placing of anchor bolts, ventilation screens, interior piers, etc. Show true north arrow.
  4. Elevation - Show front, back, and side of building.
  5. Insulation - Show type and "R" factor proposed in walls, ceiling, roof and ducts. This must match Energy Calculations. (Energy Calculations are not required on non-habitable areas, EXCEPT for commercial and industrial.)
  6. Total square feet of dwelling, garage, and porches.
  7. When building above a 35 lb. snow load, a roof must be an engineered system.
  8. One (1) Additional floor plan - Indicating the use of each room. (An additional residential floor plan to be included in each set of construction plans; one set of commercial plans is for the Assessor's Office as required by state law.)
  9. If the parcel is in a Wildland Fire or Flood zone, further detailing is required.

The Assessor's parcel number will be required on all applications. The parcel number may be found on your County Tax Statement or may be obtained from the Assessor's Office or at the Permit Counter. A location direction map is required with all applications at the time of submittal.

Energy Compliance Checklist Climate Zones Numbers 11 - 16:

Plans must show compliance with one of the following design methods:

  • Computer based performance analysis. Program must be approved by California Energy Commission (CEC). Show all features on plans.
  • One of the alternative component packages for the appropriate zone (No trade-offs between packages or zones, show all features on plans).

CF1R, signed by the designer/applicant and building owner.

Information can be obtained through the California Energy Commission at Building Energy Efficiency Standards - Title 24.

Five (5) Plot Plans (2 with outside fire department approval, if applicable):

The purpose of a plot plan is to establish a clear record of the use of the property. It may be helpful to imagine how the property would look from an aerial perspective and represent this view on paper. It is recommended that an Assessor's plot map (copies available at the Shasta County Assessor's Office, Administration Center, 1450 Court Street, Room 208A, Redding CA 96001 (530) 225-3600) be used for a detailed outline of the property.

An 8 ½" x 11" size paper works well for drawing the property outline; the BD prefers this size for scanning purposes. Once the property outline is drawn, please draw existing and proposed uses for the property. Keep sizes proportionate; show distances to indicate locations and label the use of all structures (i.e., house, mobile home, garage, barn, etc.).

Show the following on all plot plans:

  • Property owner's name
  • Assessor's parcel number for the property
  • North arrow
  • Acreage/lot size of property
  • Square footage of all buildings
  • Indicate whether there are mobile homes or houses and indicate whether there is a garage attached to the house and list the size of the garage
  • Easements shown and labeled
  • Septic system and well location, both existing and proposed; Also, show the distance to the neighbor's septic system and well.
  • Roads and driveways shown and labeled, list length and width (used for Fire Department and Public Works)
  • Drainage and waterways shown and labeled

Note: For grading plans, please provide a slope cross section. If grading is planned between October 15th and May 1st, a Wet Weather Plan must be shown on the plot plan. (Shasta County Ordinance Section 12.12.070).

Plans will be reviewed by a plan checker at the time an application has been approved by the Shasta County Department of Resource Management, Planning Division, and the Shasta County Fire Department (plans reviewed in the BD).

Various Fire Departments within the County request that the permittee submit a construction plan and 2 plot plans for approval prior to submitting the application to the Permit Counter. The following fire departments require this information:

Fire Departments' Approval
Anderson Cottonwood Millville
Buckeye (Redding Fire Dept.) Fall River Valley Mountain Gate
Burney Happy Valley Shasta Lake FPD

For commercial, industrial, residential dwellings, multiple dwellings, mobile homes, manufactured homes, and other projects with driveways that access from a county road or highway development, plans must be approved by either the Shasta County Department of Public Works (DPW) or State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). DPW will also review the application to determine zoning areas for Traffic Impact Fees, Air Pollution Control Fees, and flood zone clearance. These fees will be included in building permit fees where applicable.

Encroachments onto a state highway will require review and approval by the Caltrans office located at 1657 Riverside Drive, Redding CA 96001. A copy of the State Encroachment Permit must be approved prior to issuance of a building permit.

During the plan check period, septic, well, sewer, and/or water district clearance can be processed at the Permit Counter if it has not been completed prior to application for the building permit. Applications requiring these clearances are: single family dwellings, two-or-more family buildings, manufactured homes (new or replacement), commercial or industrial buildings with restrooms, etc., addition of bedrooms, inground swimming pools/spas, and hot tubs where a septic tank is installed on the parcel. Requests for a clearance in other cases may occur depending upon the nature of the plan.

Allow approximately two weeks for the application to be completed from time of application submittal. Longer processing times may occur due to peak building periods or extensive plan corrections.

All elementary and high school districts have school impact fees, except for Dunsmuir High School Districts. After a building application has been plan checked, a form will be submitted to the Shasta County Office of Education, 1644 Magnolia Street, Room 27, Redding CA 96001, (530) 225-0225. School fees or clearance will be determined at that time. A receipt indicating the necessary school district clearance must be presented to the Permit Counter prior to issuance of the building permit.

A mobile home unit can be used as a temporary residence during the construction of the principal (permanent) dwelling or manufactured home provided a temporary mobile unit permit is obtained. This permit is a "tag-along" attached to your permanent residential permit. Temporary units are allowed provided the building permit for the proposed principal (permanent) residence is valid. When approval of the building permit for the permanent principal residence is granted, the temporary unit must be disconnected from all utilities within 15 days and removed from the property within 60 days. If the temporary unit is a Recreational Vehicle, it may be stored on the subject property. This application may be done at the time you apply for your permit.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the building site remains accessible and exposed for inspection purposes. The County shall not be liable for expenses incurred as a result of removal or replacement of any material required to allow inspection.

When a building permit is granted, required inspections must be scheduled and approved by the appropriate inspector.

For information on applications and permit expirations, see: Processing Your Permit Applications.

Building Inspections

No changes or deviations to the approved building plans are allowed without the approval of the BD. A copy of the approved plans must be provided on the job site. No work shall be done on any part of a building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining written approval of the building inspector or official (some inspections may not be required while others may be needed that are not listed). Written approval may be given only after subsequent inspections occur in the proper sequence of the construction project as determined by the inspector on the site:

  1. Foundation Inspection - To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel is in place. For concrete foundations, any required forms shall be in place prior to inspection. All materials for the foundation shall be on the job site. If the foundation is to be constructed of approved treated wood, additional inspections may be required.
  2. Concrete Slab or Under-Floor Inspection - To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place, but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor.
  3. Under-Floor Insulation - To be made after all under-floor insulation is installed.
  4. Roof Sheathing Inspection/Exterior Shear Wall - To be made prior to installing any type of roofing material.
  5. Frame Inspection - To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing, and heating wires, pipes, and ducts are approved. All bracing must be exposed.
  6. Septic/Sewer - To be made after all yard lines installed and prior to covering of septic tank or sewer main line.
  7. Wall and Ceiling Insulation - To be made if batt insulation is used. Insulation blown in the ceiling will be inspected at the time of final inspection.
  8. Masonry Construction - To be made before bond beam steel is grouted. Several inspections may be required on masonry construction.
  9. Lath or Gypsum Board Inspection - To be made after all lathing and gypsum board ( interior and exterior) is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished.
  10. Driveway Inspection (Encroachment Permit) - Before placement of concrete, asphalt or gravel, but after all excavation is completed and forms placed and drain tile in position. Note: Driveway Must Be Completed At The Time Of Final Inspection Or Occupancy Of The Structure Will Not Be Permitted.
  11. Final Inspection - To be made after the building is completed and ready for occupancy. The building must be unlocked or some arrangements made for a key to be used by the inspector. Electrical outlets and other items will be checked. All energy requirements that were approved at the time the permit was issued will be checked. Items changed or added to the energy requirements that were not previously approved must be submitted prior to final approval.
  12. Other Inspections - In addition to the scheduled inspections described above, the building official may require other inspections of any construction work to ascertain compliance with applicable codes and pertinent laws.
  13. Reinspection - A fee may be assessed for (1) each inspection requested if not previously completed or (2) reinspection when required corrections are not completed. First-time call backs for listed corrections will not be subject to a reinspection fee unless requested items on the correction list are not completed. Reinspection fees may be assessed (1) when the inspection record card or approved set of plans are not readily available to the inspector, (2) failure to provide access to the site on the date the inspection is requested, or (3) for deviating from the plans without approval of the building official. In instances where reinspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection will be performed until the required fees have been paid. To obtain a reinspection, the applicant must file a written request on a form furnished by the BD and pay the appropriate reinspection fee.

Grading Permit

Shasta County requires a Grading Permit for:

  • Roads/driveway
  • Clearing of land
  • Building pad/mobile home pad
  • New sewage disposal systems when the installation requires changes in the natural contour of the land.

This permit may be obtained as a "stand alone" permit. Pre-grading of a site prior to approval of the building (grading) permit is not permitted.

The Shasta County Grading Ordinance lists the following activities for which an approved Grading Permit must be obtained:

Note: For a chart showing the applicable fees, go to the Shasta County Master Fee List and look for Grading Fees under Resource Management -- Building Division.

Grading - The movement of any earth materials:

  1. In excess to two hundred fifty (250) cubic yards; or
  2. Which damages, directly or indirectly through erosion, any natural or man-made water course, whether year-round or intermittent, including drainage channels; or
  3. To make a road, temporary access road, building or mobile home pad or a new sewage disposal system when the installation of the sewage disposal system requires changes in the natural contour of the land; or
  4. Which disturbs 10,000 square feet or more of surface area.

If the owner/developer violates the requirements of the Grading Ordinance by grading without an approved permit, the permit fee may be doubled. This violation may also result in an order being issued by the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors prohibiting further work until specific conditions are met. For more information regarding grading, excavating, and filling, see Chapter 12.12 of the Shasta County Code.

Other permits that may be associated with a development/building permit are listed below:

  • Burn permits are required if any burning will take place. Please contact the local Fire District, CDF, or the Shasta County Air Quality Management District for burn permit requirements prior to any on-site burning.
  • A stream alteration permit from the State Department of Fish and Game (DFG) may be required if work will occur in or near a stream. The DFG offices are located at 601 Locust Street, Redding CA.

Single-Family Dwellings

To build a single-family dwelling, the following information must be submitted to the Permit Counter:

  1. Two (2) complete sets of construction plans
  2. Two (2) sets of California Energy Calculations
  3. Two (2) sets of engineered truss calculations
  4. One (1) additional floor plan
  5. Five (5) plot plans (2 with fire department approval, if applicable)
  6. Assessor's parcel number
  7. Location direction map
  8. Filing fee with application

Manufactured Home Utilities & Installation

It is important to check the current zoning on a proposed building site (please use the appropriate Assessor's parcel number for verification) with representatives at the Permit Counter to ensure a manufactured home (on a pier set-up) is allowed. There is no age limit on such units provided the site is zoned to allow mobile homes. However, snow load requirements for the site must be met. If roof changes are needed to meet these requirements via remodeling or some other alterations to the home, a permit from the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) must be approved.

For an application, call 255-2501 (Northern Area Office). A copy of the state permit will be required with the installation application. A copy of the final approval from HCD will be required prior to final approval of the mobile home permit.

A ramada may be constructed in order to meet the snow load requirements if a manufactured home will be placed on piers. The ramada (will require a separate building permit) shall be constructed prior to the manufactured home being approved. The Permit Counter should be consulted for snow load requirements in specific areas.

If a ramada will not be used or if the manufactured home does not meet the area's snow load requirements, the roof load must be verified with plans and calculations stamped and signed by a California registered engineer or architect.

State of California MH Alterations and Permit Guidelines

Separate Utility Permit for a Manufactured Home

The following is required to obtain a separate utility permit for a manufactured home:

  1. Three (3) plot plans (2 with fire department approval, if applicable)
  2. Assessor's parcel number
  3. Location/direction map
  4. Filing fee with application

The utility permit is required to allow preparation of the site for the dwelling unit. The permit will include grading, driveway construction, and utilities installation (to be established in the correct area, see details in information booklets at the Permit Counter).

Separate utility permits require appropriate fire department clearance on the plot plans (see fire department list). Manufactured home installation permits obtained within six (6) months of the fire department's approval on a separate utility permit plot plan will not be required to obtain any additional fire department approvals. However, the same plot plan approved with the utility permit must also be included with the installation permit. Manufactured home installation permits obtained after the six month period Must Have The Appropriate Fire Department Approval Even If The Same Plot Plan Is Not Used.

Installation Permit for a Manufactured Home

The following information is required to obtain an installation permit for a manufactured home:

  1. Five plot plans (2 with fire department approval, if applicable; three plot plans if the unit is a replacement home).
  2. Assessor's parcel number.
  3. Three scaled floor plans showing rooms, windows, doors, etc.
  4. Two sets of approved tie down assemblies or manufacturer's Installation Instructions with the tie down information.
  5. Location/direction map.
  6. Filing fee with application.

The above permit and information is required for replacing an existing manufactured home on a parcel set-up for manufactured homes. The two required permits may be obtained at the same time to reduce time delays.

Manufactured Homes Installed on a Foundation System

The following standards apply to all manufactured homes installed on a foundation system in zone districts which permit only conventional home construction (Numbers 1, 2, and 3 apply to foundations in permitted zones):

  • Roof design shall meet the snow load requirements of Shasta County; roofing material shall be Class A or B composition shingles.
  • A foundation enclosure shall be installed between the finish grade and the siding material. Add-on siding needed to extend the exterior siding to the foundation enclosure shall consist of materials similar to the main exterior siding. Venting per the Uniform Building Code shall be required.
  • A foundation system designed and engineered by the manufacturer of the housing unit or designed by a California licensed engineer or architect, or of a State of California approved design shall be installed or constructed.
  • The manufactured home shall be certified under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. (These manufactured homes were produced beginning in June 15, 1976.)
  • Manufactured homes placed on a foundation system shall not be older than ten years of age measured from the date of manufacture of the unit to the date of building permit application; however, manufactured homes lawfully installed prior to March 28, 1995 which have been certified under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 shall be exempt from the ten-year age standard.
  • If the manufactured home is to be placed in a One-Family Residence (R-1) zone district, two covered parking spaces meeting parking ordinance standards shall be constructed prior to final inspection.
  • If the manufactured home is to be placed in a One-Family Residence (R-1) zone district, it shall include a minimum 6 inch roof overhang. The overhang shall be an integral part of the manufactured home.

The following items are required for a home on a foundation:

Zoning district requirements must be satisfied; the manufactured home must not exceed the ten-year age limit. A foundation placed under an existing manufactured home in a non-mobile home zone district may be permitted if the home is certified under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 and a final approval on all permits at the time the unit was initially established is verified.

  • Two sets of foundation standards & plans - State of California approved or designed by a California licensed engineer or architect.
  • Three floor plans indicating use of rooms.
  • State forms 433 (A) & (B) (obtain forms at the Permit Counter).
  • Five plot plans (2 with fire department approval, if applicable).
  • Provide the following with the building application:
    • A copy of the recorded deed with legal descriptions of the property.
    • A Title Search from HCD (2986 Bechelli Lane, Suite 201, Redding CA 96002 - corner of Bechelli & Hartnell - 224-4815). A Title Search is not required on new units.
    • Written consent from the lienholder, if applicable, to the placement of the unit on a foundation system.
    • Original Mobile Home Registration Card (no copies, legal or duplicate copy). If this form is lost, an application for a duplicate maybe obtained from HCD and submitted.
    • Original Certificate of Title (no copies, legal or duplicate copy). If this form is lost, a duplicate may be obtained from HCD and submitted.
    • If the Certificate of Title is held by a present lienholder, the escrow officer may write a letter stating that the Certificate of Title will be released to the Building Division when the mortgage is paid off.
    • License plates or license decal issued by either HCD or DMV.

Location/direction map

Filing fee with application.

Caution: DO NOT REMOVE THE FEDERAL LABELS OR CALIFORNIA HCD INSIGNIAS CERTIFYING COMPLIANCE OF THE UNIT. When the foundation is approved and a permit issued, the Certificate of Occupancy permit will be filed with the Shasta County Recorder and the State of California. Recording fees will be determined during the plan check stage. Payment will occur when the application is converted to a building permit.