If you wish to formally appeal the value of your current assessment, you must file an application for reduced assessment between July 2 and November 30, inclusive, of the current fiscal year.
The taxable value of real property on the local roll shall be the lesser of:
- The factored base year value of the property
- The current market value of the property
- The assessed value as determined according to Revenue & Taxation Code §170 in keeping with Shasta County's ordinance concerning disaster relief
Applications for adjustments in valuation not agreed upon with the Assessor can be obtained from, and must be completed in writing with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 1450 Court Street Suite 308-B, Redding CA 96001-1680, Tel: (530) 225-5550.
The Assessor shall make a copy of the current roll available for inspection during regular office hours.