ADA Notice

The County of Shasta does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its buildings, facilities, programs, services or activities. The County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices.

Questions, complaints or requests for additional information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act may be forwarded to the County's ADA Coordinator:

Monica Fuggitt, Director of Support Services

County of Shasta

1450 Court Street, Room 348

Redding, CA 96001-1676

Phone: (530) 225-5515

Fax: (530) 225-5345

Email: adacoordinator [at] (adacoordinator[at]shastacounty[dot]gov)

California Relay Service: 1 (800) 735-2922

Individuals who need auxiliary aids and/or services for effective communication in the County's programs and services are invited to make their needs and preferences known to the affected department or ADA Coordinator. This notice is available in accessible alternate formats from the affected department or the ADA Coordinator.