Citizen Complaints

⇔  The Importance of a Complaint  ⇔   Submission of a Complaint  ⇔  The Investigation  ⇔  Complaint Forms  ⇔  


California Penal Code Section 148.6(a)(1)

Every person who files any allegation of misconduct against any peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2, know the allegation to be false, is guilty of a misdemeanor.


The Importance of a Complaint

The complaint process is designed to address each complaint factually and fairly. Citizens who file a complaint are treated respectfully and the accusations against employees are taken seriously. All complaints are investigated thoroughly and all findings are based upon the facts gathered during the investigation.

If it is determined that a complainant has knowingly made a false accusation against an employee, the employee has the right to pursue civil litigation against the accuser.

For more information regarding the Shasta County Probation Department's citizen complaint process, or to ask about the status of your complaint, please contact the Shasta County Probation Department Assistant Chief Probation Officer, Chelsey Chappelle at (530) 245-6247 or via clchappelle [at] (electronic mail).


Submission of a Complaint

Constructive comments provide an open channel of communication between the Shasta County Probation Department and the Community, allowing us to maintain the highest possible standards. They also provide a basis for a thorough and impartial investigative procedure to protect employees who perform their duties properly.

Complaints by members of the public involving the Shasta County Probation Department's personnel may be made by telephone, mail, electronic mail, or in person.

Verbal complaints should be directed to a Supervising Juvenile Detention Officer, Supervising Probation Officer, or Division Director, not to the Officer of the Day, who will attempt to resolve the issue or provide the complainant with a Citizens' Complaint form.

If your complaint involves a Deputy Probation Officer or a Department employee, you will be asked his/her name, badge number, and car number as appropriate. If you do not have this information, simply explain what occurred, giving the date, time, and location of the incident.

You may submit a completed Citizen Complaint Form either in person to any Shasta County Probation location, or by mail to:

Shasta County Probation

Attn: Administration, Assistant Chief Probation Officer

2684 Radio Lane

Redding, CA 96001


The Investigation

Once a complaint is received, it will be screened by the accepting supervisor for accuracy and content. The supervisor may interview you at that time, or schedule another time so a complete report of the incident can be made.

During the interview, the following things may be required of you:

  • You will be asked for names of witnesses and other employees that may know facts about your complaint.
  • Photographs may be taken of any injuries or damage you think are related to your complaint.

During the initial interview, the supervisor may be able to explain the employee’s actions to your satisfaction. However, if this does not occur, the complaint will then be forwarded to the Assistant Chief Probation Officer for detailed followup.