In 1996, the Board of Supervisors established the Shasta County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council ("Council"). The Council was established at that time so that the County would be eligible to apply for grant funding under the Juvenile Crime Enforcement and Accountability Challenge Grant Program, codified at Welfare & Institutions Code Sections 749.2 et seq.
Under WI 749.22, this Council is responsible for developing a comprehensive, multi-agency juvenile justice plan aimed at decreasing crime and delinquency among at-risk youth. In 2000, the State of California established the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act Program ("JJCPA Program"). The JJCPA Program was created by the Crime Prevention Act of 2000 to provide a more stable state funding source for implementing a Juvenile Justice Plan (“Plan”) developed by the Council. The Council is required to review annually the Plan and make modifications as necessary.
For questions, please contact Twyla Carpenter,, or the Chief Probation Officer, Tracie Neal,
Council Members
Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer
Stephanie Bridgett, Shasta County District Attorney's Office
Bill Bateman, Shasta County Public Defender's Office
Michael Johnson, Shasta County Sheriff's Office
Kevin Crye, Shasta County Board of Supervisors
Laura Burch, Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency
Miguel Rodriguez, Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, Department of Mental Health
Susan Wilson, Youth Options Shasta, a community based drug and alcohol program
Bill Schueller, Redding Police Department
Steve Blunk, Anderson Police Department
Judy Flores, Shasta County Office of Education
Molly Bigelow, Juvenile Court Judge
SB823 Subcommittee Members
Tracie Neal, Chief Probation Officer
Sarah Murphy, District Attorney's Office
Michael Khoronov, Public Defender's Office
Cindy Lane, HHSA Social Services
Laura Stapp, HHSA Mental Health
Carie Webb, Shasta County Office of Education
Lisa Jenkins, Shasta County Superior Court
Cindy Vogt, California Heritage Youth Build Academy
Valerie Hartley, Shasta ILP