Employee of the Month - April ‘23

Employee of the Month

Loren Brown, Custodian II has been named Employee of the Month for April 2023.

Mr. Brown has excelled in his current position and duty location.  He is the sole custodian that services a 42,000 square feet facility.

This location has seen exponential growth in the number of occupants over the last few years after Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) began co-occupying the space with Child Support Services. He has been able to continue to provide top-notch level of service even with the increased number of occupants and times the services he provides to ensure the least amount of disruption to the occupants.

Mr. Brown is extremely conscientious and orderly in how he maintains his work areas and supplies.  He is the kind of employee who takes notes at the regular safety meetings and offers constructive insights on how to work in a safer manner.

Mr. Brown is a true asset to the Facilities Management team and embodies all of the positive attributes and skill one would expect of an exceptional Shasta County employee.