Request for Investigation

Bring only major concerns to the Shasta County Grand Jury.

Areas include (but not limited to):

  • Shasta County government
  • Local City government
  • Criminal Justice
  • Public Safety
  • Schools
  • Zoning
  • Development

Please refrain from professional or private legal matters.

Be as clear and concise as possible.

Be sure to provide your physical address. You cannot file a complaint anonymously.

We will consider all appropriate complaints/concerns, but can only let you know we have received your correspondence. All complaints and correspondence with the Grand Jury is kept strictly confidential.

All complaints/concerns must have a completed complaint form to be considered. Download the Citizen Complaint Form below.

After filling it out, you may either print it to send by mail to the address on the bottom of the complaint form, or you may email the completed PDF file to grandjury [at] (grandjury[at]shastacounty[dot]gov).

Please do not add links to any email forms or attachments as they will not be opened for security purposes.