General Permit/Development Information
The Planning Division (PD) is set up to provide information on a variety of permits and applications designed to accommodate the building and development needs of the public. Those items related specifically to Zone Plan and General Plan issues are discussed in detail in the following sections. However, permit applications and development requests that the PD can assist with are described below.
Permits requiring a public hearing:
The following category of permits require advertised public hearings due to the significance of their potential environmental and/or land use impact.
- Airport Land Use Commission Plan Amendments - One or more types of requests for development within the adopted boundaries of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan associated with a municipal or County airport facility. The adoption or amendment of land use policy guidelines for properties affected by an airport.
- Closed Range - Creation by the Board of Supervisors of specific areas of the County requiring agricultural property owners to keep livestock within fenced areas.
- Environmental Review/Clearance Application - Mandated California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) reviews for the assessment of potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed development of a project.
- General Plan Amendments - A proposed change to the County's adopted policies or maps contained in the General Plan. Such amendments could affect either the text of the General Plan or any of its maps, charts, figures, or tables.
- Land Divisions - The subdivision of property into two or more individual parcels.
- Reclamation Plan - An approved plan designed to ensure the systematic restoration of parcels used for one or more types of mining activities.
- Specific Plan Application - A detailed policy plan incorporating development standards and guidelines for the development of property, usually involving a large tract of land, with a proposed mixture of land uses and residential densities.
- Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) Permits - Permits required by the California SMARA for the new or continued use of land for the mining of mineral resources which provides for the protection and subsequent beneficial use of reclaimed land.
- Use Permits - A permit issued for land uses conditionally allowed in specific zone districts after the conclusion of a public hearing before the Planning Commission.
- Zone Change - An amendment to the County's adopted Zoning Plan (either to the text or any of the zoning maps).
- Variance - An application designed to provide applicants some relief from the strict requirements of the Zoning Plan where physical characteristics of the site preclude meeting established development standards.
Permits not requiring a public hearing:
The following categories of permits can be reviewed and issued by Department staff and do not require a public hearing.
- Administrative Permits - These permits are usually non-hearing items and address the needs of residents for routine low impact type uses. Examples of these uses are accessory buildings, barns, garages, home occupations, and family care units for members of the immediate family. These permits are issued by the staff at the Permit Center subsequent to the applicant satisfying all necessary submittal information and payment of associated fees.
- Certificate of Compliance - Written acknowledgment by the County that a parcel of land has been legally created.
- Planning Director's Interpretation - A written explanation based on a property owner's or applicant's project explaining the requirements and meaning of one or more County development standards or policies.
- Pre-Application Permit - This allows the applicant an opportunity to have a number of local and state agencies review a prospective plan for general compliance with applicable development standards.
- Property Line Adjustments - Applications considered whenever one or more property owners wish to adjust recorded property lines to change the configuration of legally existing parcels.
- Written Land Use Verification - A letter sent to a property owner(s) or interested individual(s) by the Planning Division indicating the current zoning classification or General Plan designation or a description of other land use regulations of a parcel of land.
- Zoning Permits - These permits are designed to accommodate the needs of residents for projects that are less intense than those permitted by Administrative Permits and that do not require a public hearing.
Permits requiring approval by the Board of Supervisors without a public hearing:
The following categories of permits do not require a public hearing but must first be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
- Board of Supervisors Agreement - A written agreement formalizing an understanding between a property owner and Shasta County regarding the current status of a specific property. It may also define a sequence of actions that must be completed prior to the issuance of development permits or initiation or termination of certain land uses.
- Williamson Act Contracts/Agricultural Preserves - Creation by the Board of Supervisors of specific agricultural protection districts in accord with appropriate state regulations.
- Development Agreement - An enforceable agreement entered into by Shasta County and a property owner wherein an understanding is reached regarding the use of a parcel(s) of land and the responsibilities of each party with regard to development of that land.
Zoning Information
Zoning Information for Shasta County is available on-line by clicking the following link: On-Line Zoning Information.
Inquiries as to the specific zoning classification applying to a property can also be verified with the Planning Division, either in person at the Permit Center or by telephone. The Planning Division maintains a 24-hour hotline, (530) 225-5184 that can accommodate the requests of individuals seeking zoning information. The calls are acknowledged with a return call by a staff planner to the individual with the current information and other information regarding the potential use of existing or proposed properties. Large scaled zoning maps can be reviewed in the Planning Division to determine the exact nature of the zoning boundaries relative to surrounding parcels and land use. For more information go to: Shasta County Zoning Plan.
General Plan Information
The General Plan is the official land use policy document for the County. Zoning classifications as well as other development policies must be consistent with the General Plan before any development permits or applications are approved. The General Plan document and associated maps can be purchased at the Planning Division.
The County is divided into ten large geographic planning units. Each unit contains a series of land use designations that describe general ranges of land uses and population densities and/or parcel sizes. Land uses are conditioned by the specific policies applying to each of the twenty-two elements.
Census Information
A variety of demographic and economic information from the 2010 Federal Census and current Census publications can be obtained from the Planning Division. Census maps can be reviewed in the Planning Division. Also, population information and housing unit statistics from the California Department of Finance are available at Census Bureau Home Page.
Mapping/Addressing/Road Naming
The Mapping Unit maintains all information and pertinent maps relating to street addresses and road names. Addressing for existing and new parcels is developed based on a uniform system that is compatible with the United States Post Office delivery system and satisfies the needs of other public and private agencies including Fire and Sheriff departments. The need for an integrated road naming and street addressing system is necessary to avoid missing or conflicting road names and the need to have street signs of a uniform standard that are easily visible in the time of an emergency. Street naming applications or packets can be obtained at the Permit Center or from the Mapping Unit by contacting (530) 225-5532 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Application forms and processing information are contained in these packets. Addresses may be obtained for existing legal residences upon the submission and processing of an application. Applications for current residential/commercial building permits are automatically referred to the Mapping Unit for Processing. A fee is associated with all submittals (see Fees).