Economics and Planning Firm Urban 3, LLC has completed an analysis of Shasta County’s that focuses on the fiscal and economic impacts of the community development pattern in the County along with the impacts thereof on vehicle miles that must be traveled by those who live, work and play in the County. This analysis was sought based General Plan Policy CO-o and on survey results during the County’s 2020-2028 Housing Element Update which expressed that the highest priority of existing and future residential development should be “Ensuring that there’s enough revenue for maintenance and the provision of public infrastructure (i.e. streets/roads, water and sewer service, parks and trails, etc.). The ultimate goal of the project was planning staff and is funded by the California Local Early Application Planning (LEAP) Grant program. The Development Pattern Fiscal, Economic and Vehicle Miles Traveled Analysis was completed in the summer of 2023 and the final report is dubbed by Urban 3, LLC as “Economics of Community Design.”