On July 21, 2020, the Shasta County Board of Supervisor’s adopted Ordinance 2020-05 to amend the zoning plan to regulate short-term rentals within the unincorporated area of Shasta County. The ordinance sets forth the requirements of operating a short-term rental as well clearly defining two types, Vacation Rentals and Hosted Homestays. All short-term rentals must apply for the required permit to operate a Vacation Rental or Hosted Homestay on or before November 21, 2020. The links below provide additional information regarding short-term rentals and complying with the ordinance. For additional information please call the Planning Division at (530) 225-5532.
All Short-Term Rental Complaints in the unincorporated area of Shasta County can be submitted by completing the County Code Violation Complaint form. Completed, signed forms may be delivered in person; by mail at Resource Management, located at 1855 Placer Street, Redding CA; fax (530) 245-6468; or emailed at sccodeenforcement [at] shastacounty.gov (sccodeenforcement[at]shastacounty[dot]gov)