

With the winter season comes the problem of keeping the county roads clear of snow. By its very nature, this task requires the cooperative efforts of everyone.

Usually there are two separate snow removal operations. The first is during the storm itself and consists of quick passes with the plows to keep the roads open. Priority is given to school bus routes and the most heavily traveled roads. Chains or snow tires are recommended during this period.

The second operation begins when the storm abates. It consists of widening the cleared portion of the traveled way and cleaning up. This provides space to store additional snow should another storm occur and it improves the safety and usability of the road.

The time required for each operation varies with the severity of the storm, the temperature, the importance of the road, and the availability of personnel and equipment. It may be several days between the first plowing and final cleanup.

Unfortunately, each operation may result in a berm of snow across private driveways or encroachments to county roads. The County does not have the resources to keep private driveways clear. This is the responsibility of each individual resident or business. Reasonable effort is made to plow in a manner that will minimize the size of the berm.

It is important that there are no obstructions such as parked vehicles, refuse cans, trailers, or basketball standards in the roadway when snow removal is apt to occur. Obstructions hamper operations and prevent complete clearing of the road. In some cases obstructions can prevent an entire street from being cleared. Cars parked in the roadway during snow removal will be towed at the owner's expense. Mailboxes need to be set back far enough from the traveled way to provide sufficient clearance for the snow removal equipment and should be sturdy enough to withstand having snow pushed against them.

Some suggestions are:

  • Park vehicles off the roadway.
  • Have good snow tires or chains and use them as needed.
  • Residents and businesses should keep the berms cleared from across their driveways.
  • Pile the snow past the driveway in the direction of travel.

Hopefully, everyone can work together to successfully handle this winter's problems. If you have any questions, you may contact either Jason Eilts, Operations Superintendent; or John Heath, Assistant Director, at (530) 225-5661.