The following information has been provided to assist you in developing an employee training program. Title 3 Division 6 (Chapter 3 Subchapter 3) of the California Code of Regulations (CCR6700-6795) pertains to Worker Health & Safety and should be read carefully. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like us to review your program.
Training Information Provided by DPR
- DPR's Pesticide Safety Information: A Series -- Agricultural Setting
- DPR's Pesticide Safety Information: N Series -- Non-Agricultural Setting
- Los entrenamientos anteriores en español
Pesticide Safety Train-the-Trainer (T2) Program
- Train the Trainer FAQ
- Criteria for Instructors Training (Train the Trainer)
- Train the Trainer Manual (233 Pages)
Respirator Protection Program
Title 3 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 6739, Deals with the use of Respirators while working with Pesticides. For more information on when to use them, who is required to wear them, and what is required of the employer providing respirators, please visit CDPR's Respiratory Compliance website.
Study Materials
- Laws & Regulations Study Guide
- Publications and Other Educational Materials from the University of California
Other Information
Frequently Asked Questions About Employee Pesticide Training...