Pesticide Regulation - Use Reporting


Online Pesticide Use Reporting

CalAgPermits is Shasta County's Online Pesticide Use Reporting System. Visit CalAgPermits to view your pesticide permit information and site maps, or to submit your pesticide use reports electronically. If you have not yet been issued a user name and password, please contact our office at (530) 224-4949.


As a CalAgPermits Web-User, you will be able to view information about your permit, review historical data related to your Pesticide Use Reports (PUR) and submit PURs and Notices of Intent (NOI) online directly to the Shasta County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. You will also be able to access and use the complete Public User’s Guide which provides more detailed information about this application and how to use it. In the meantime, the following handouts will offer a quick and easy introduction to help you navigate through the system.

To obtain a USERNAME and PASSWORD, please contact the Shasta County Dept. of Agriculture main office at 530-224-4949 or e-mail shastaag [at] (shastaag[at]shastacounty[dot]gov). Someone will be in touch with you soon with login information.

YouTube videos to help you navigate CalAgPermits:

Introduction to CalAgPermits - This video covers the following topics: Basic description of CalAgPermits and it's functions; signing up; and logging in.

CalAgPermits Home Page Overview - A video walkthrough describing the new Home Page for CalAgPermits web users. We cover the basics of each link and where to find what you need.

CalAgPermits Production Ag Monthly PUR Entry - A video walkthrough guide for using the CalAgPermits program. This video covers the following topics: Navigating CalAgPermits to locate the Production Ag Monthly PUR form; properly filling out the Ag PUR; saving your data; and submitting the form to the County; printing a copy or use as a template.

CalAgPermits Seven Day PUR - A video walkthrough guide for using the CalAgPermits program. This video covers the following topics: Navigating CalAgPermits to locate the Single Job Pesticide Use Report Form; properly filling out the Single Job PUR, saving your data, submitting the form to your Ag Commissioner, and printing a copy.

CalAgPermits Monthly Summary PUR Entry - A video walkthrough guide for using the CalAgPermits program. This video covers the following topics: Navigating CalAgPermits to locate the Monthly Summary PUR form; properly filling out the Monthly Summary PUR; saving your data; and submitting the form to the County.

CalAgPermits Structural Monthly Summary PUR Entry - A video walkthrough guide for using the CalAgPermits program. This video covers the following topics: Navigating CalAgPermits to locate the Structural Monthly Summary Pesticide Use Report; properly filling out the Structural MSPUR; saving your data; submitting the form to your Ag Commissioner; and printing a copy.

CalAgPermits Zero Usage PUR - A video walkthrough guide for using the CalAgPermits program. This video covers the following topics: Navigating CalAgPermits to locate the Zero Use Pesticide Use Report Form; properly Filling Out the Zero Use PUR; saving your data; submitting the form to your Ag Commissioner and printing a copy.

CalAgPermits Notice of Intent - A video walkthrough guide for using the CalAgPermits program. This video covers the following topics: Navigating CalAgPermits to locate the Notice of Intent Form; properly filling out the Notice of Intent; saving your data; submitting the form to your Ag Commissioner and printing a copy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pesticide Use Reporting...