What is a pesticide use report?
Answer: A written report, on an approved form, which contains at least the following information:
- Date of pesticide application;
- Operator of the property which was treated;
- Location of the property treated with a pesticide;
- Crop, commodity, or site treated;
- Total acreage treated;
- Name, manufacturer, and registration number of the pesticide used;
- Pesticide rate (per acre) and dilution.
Do I need to submit a Pesticide Use Report?
Answer: Any pesticide or adjuvant with an EPA registration number that is applied to an agricultural crop or commodity (including pasture and rangeland and certain other uses) must be reported to the Agricultural Department for the county in which the property is located. Use reports can be obtained at our department or may be downloaded above. In Shasta County, you may also enter use reports online. Feel free to call us if you would like to be issued a username and password.
When are pesticide use reports due?
Answer: For a pest control business (PCB's), pesticide use reports are due within 7 days after the application to an agricultural crop. For all others, use reports are due in by the 10th of the month following the month in which the work was performed.
Please note that for pest control businesses of all kinds, a use report is required every month, even if no applications were made. They can be faxed, mailed, submitted online, or personally delivered to the County Agricultural Office.
Who must file a pesticide use report?
Answer: The owner or operator of any property used to produce an agricultural commodity, unless the pesticide application was made by a licensed pest control business (who will make the report for you). Certain other pesticide applications must also be reported. These can include applications to fence lines, ditches, and other non-crop areas.
How do I file this report?
Answer: The report may be mailed, hand delivered, or submitted online to the Shasta County Agricultural Commissioner's office. Forms are available at the top of this page or from our office.
Am I required to keep a copy of the use report?
Answer: A grower must keep a copy of the report on file for 2 years.
If I have trouble filling out the use report, what do I do?
Answer: Instructions are available on the Pesticide Use Reporting page. You may also pick up instructions from our office, or feel free to call us.