Pesticides & Bees


6654. Notification to Beekeepers

  • Each person intending to apply any pesticide toxic to bees to a blossoming plant shall, prior to the application, inquire of the commissioner, or of a notification service designated by the commissioner, whether any beekeeper with apiaries within one mile of the application site has requested notice of such application.
  • If the person performing pest control is advised of a request for notification, he or she shall notify the beekeeper, at least 48 hours in advance of the application, of the time and place the application is to be made, the crop and acreage to be treated, the method of application, the identity and dosage rate of the application to be applied, and how the person performing pest control may be contacted by the beekeeper. This time may be increased or decreased by the commissioner, or by an agreement of both the beekeeper and the person performing the pest control work.

Pesticides & Bees

Shasta County Department of Agriculture is informed of hive locations and will assist you in notifying beekeepers about your pesticide applications. You may contact us at (530)224-4908 and leave a detailed message regarding your proposed application. Ag department staff will return your call with the names and numbers of bee keepers in your area.

Bee checks can also be completed online at CalAgPermits. Utilizing your calagpermits user name and password, you can log in it see if bees are within 1 mile of your proposed application. If there are bees within the 1 mile, you will get names and numbers of bee keepers that will need to be notified 48 hours prior to the application taking place.