Cathy Darling Allen

Cathy Darling Allen
County Clerk/Registrar of Voters


Cathy Darling Allen has served as the Shasta County Clerk and Registrar of Voters since 2004 and was elected to her fifth term of office in 2022. She has overseen the administration of 37elections and counted more than 1.5 million votes. Cathy has overseen the implementation of multiple voting technologies and steered Shasta County elections through major changes in California election law, regulation and local political upheaval.

Cathy has always been an active member of the California Association of Clerks and Election Officials (CACEO), serving on the Elections Legislative Committee, the Board of Directors, and as President (2012-2014). She has led CACEO’s Election Cost Project since 2014. Cathy received certification from CACEO as a California Professional Election Administrator in 2005 and as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator (CERA) from the Elections Center in 2016. She is also an originating member of the Future of California Elections (FOCE) collaborative and served on its advisory committee and serves as Chair of the Board for the California Voter Foundation. She lives in Redding with her husband and granddaughter.