Public notices for ordinances, public hearings, and other government activities that are legally required to be published.
To read the full text of the legal notice for an upcoming item or the full text of an approved item, click the links below or clerkoftheboard [at] (request a copy by email).
Upcoming County Items
DECEMBER 19, 2024
Regulation of Small Lot Agriculture: The proposed ordinance would amend Shasta County Code (SCC) Section 17.88.150 to allow agricultural uses on lots where they are currently not permissible due to parcel size or primary zone district limitations. The recommended changes define and expand agricultural uses on small lots, including the allowance for chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, or similar sized small livestock, excluding roosters; and for goats and sheep if associated with an educational agricultural program. (Ordinance text)
Solid Waste Collection Service Charges Increases: The Board of Supervisors will consider adopting increases to the rates for collection and handling of garbage, recycling, and organic waste services within the unincorporated areas of Shasta County.
Zone Amendment - Hawes: The first proposed ordinance would amend the zoning for an approximately 8.25-acre parcel from an existing Planned Development (PD) zone district to a revised PD zone district to allow a proposed electronic reader board type sign, a future parking area, and the continuation of parking for agritourism/agritainment uses on adjoining land, to update the Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) for the parcel, and to eliminate PD zone district provisions applicable to APN 057-190-036 which is designated for agriculture-related recreational/amusement activities but is proposed to be rezoned to the C-R zone district. The second proposed ordinance would change the zoning of four parcels totaling approximately 137.09 acres from the PD and Limited Agriculture (A-1) zone districts to the Commercial Recreation (C-R) zone district to allow for the continuation of agritourism/agritainment uses through the adoption of the proposed C-R zone district text and CDP which would define, clarify, recognize, and establish allowable agritourism/agritainment uses, allowable improvements, and applicable regulations and standards. Additionally, the proposed C-R zone district text would increase the maximum structural height limit for amusement rides, clarify and modify hours of operation, provide for overflow parking and overnight lodging, and clarify lighting standards, driveway access requirements, applicable safety standards, and food facilities standards as they relate to permissible agritourism/agritainment uses. The approximately 145.34-acre project site is located at 6171 Deschutes Road, 6465 Deschutes Road, and 21945 Dersch Road, Anderson, CA 96007 (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 057-190-031, 057-190-036, 057-190-037, 057-190-041, and 057-190-040). No changes are proposed to the Designated Flood (F-1) and Restrictive Flood (F-2) combining districts within the southern portion of the project site, the Building Site (B) combining districts applicable to APNs 057-190-037 and 057-190-041, and the Interim Mineral Resource (IMR) combining district appliable to APN 057-190-041. (PD Ordinance text)(CDP Ordinance text)
Recently Approved Items
DECEMBER 10, 2024
- Annual Fees Update: The ordinance establishes or imposes new or increased fees for certain permits and other services provided by County, as well as reducing or eliminating other fees. These new or adjusted fees are charged by the following County Departments: Agriculture/Weights & Measures, Assessor, County Clerk, County Fire, District Attorney, Health & Human Services Agency, Public Works, Sheriff, Treasurer/Tax Collector, Resource Management (Building, Environmental Health, and Planning), and some apply countywide. The fees and services descriptions are more fully delineated in the ordinance and its attachments. (Ordinance Text)
Upcoming Items from Other Agencies
Items from other agencies are posted as a courtesy. Any questions should be addressed to the listed agency.