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The law enforcement records unit manages a dynamic source of pertinent information and is responsible for the storage, retrieval, dissemination and retention of criminal records.

This function includes the primary reporting system, secondary files and processes, information release and security, statistical processes, records retention and destruction, forms control, and system audit procedures. In basic terms, the Records Unit traces the documentation of an incident from a call-for-service to a decision to retain or purge a document, with the focus on the crime or incident report. Secondary processes refer to those files and procedures that supplement the basic reporting system. The security of information addresses the major issues of information security and release. The applicable legal codes provide the framework regarding specific records that are subject to release or exempted from release. repository of agency history. This information if essential to the investigative, arrest, and judicial processes. The information gathered, recorded, and disseminated must be accurate, clear, and comprehensive. This is the primary mission and responsibility of the personnel who staff the Shasta County Sheriff's Office Records Unit. The Records Unit is under the direct supervision of the California Department of Justice P.O.S.T. certified Records Supervisor/Custodian of Records.

Services provided by the Records Unit include: LiveScan fingerprinting, Concealed Carry licensing and permits, voluntary gun registration, passport clearance letters, local summary criminal history research, copies of crime reports, log reports, CSAR Registration, and Criminal History or Detention Letters.