CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) provides temporary cash aid and employment services to needy families with children. The program offers supportive services, including child care, transportation and other services necessary for a successful transition from welfare to work.
CalWORKs Employment Services
1400 California St, Redding, CA 96001
(530) 225-5000
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Shasta County CalWORKs offers these services:
- Adult Basic Education/GED Assessment
- Behavioral Health Services
- Community Service
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Job Enrichment Development Services
- Job Services
- Job Skills Training
- Orientation/Appraisal
- Pregnant and Parenting Teen Services (Cal-Learn)
- Shasta Faces 2 (Subsidized Employment)
- Supportive Services (child care, transportation, clothing, etc.)
- Unpaid Work Experience
- Vocational Assessment
- Vocational Training
- Other services as necessary for employment
To remain eligible for these services, recipients of cash aid must participate in work or work-related activities, specified in an individual "Welfare-to-Work plan" that is developed with each client. For adults, there is a 60-month time limit on eligibility for cash aid.
When applying for CalWORKs cash assistance, residents can request an immediate need payment if they’re experiencing an emergency situation. The worker will evaluate whether they’re eligible for a cash assistance amount right away, which can be up to $200, or a referral to a community resource. Emergency situations include the following:
- Lack of housing
- Pending eviction
- Lack of food
- Utility shutoff notice
- Transportation
- Clothing needs
- Other immediate health and safety issues
CalWORKs works!
Reasonable Accommodation
Do you have any physical, mental or emotional conditions that make it hard for you to apply for benefits or meet program requirements? We can give extra help with a reasonable accommodation.
ADA Notice
The County of Shasta does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its buildings, facilities, programs, services or activities. The County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices. Questions, complaints or requests for additional information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act may be forwarded to the County's ADA Coordinator:
Monica Fugitt, Director of Support Services
County of Shasta
1450 Court Street, Suite 348
Redding, CA 96001-1676
Phone: (530) 225-5515
California Relay Service: 1-800-735-2922
Fax: (530) 225-5345
Email: adacoordinator [at] (adacoordinator[at]shastacounty[dot]gov)
Individuals who need auxiliary aids and/or services for effective communication in the County's programs and services are invited to make their needs and preferences known to the affected department or ADA Coordinator. This notice is available in accessible alternate formats from the affected department or the ADA Coordinator.