SB 1383: Edible Food Recovery

Food displayed out with text SB 1383

Food recovery means collecting edible food that would otherwise go to waste and redistributing it to feed people in need. This is the highest and best use for food that would otherwise go to waste.  Recovering surplus edible food to feed people is not only a great idea, but also a California law, starting January 1, 2022. This effort will increase access to nutritious food for members of our community, while reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions resulting from food ending up in a landfill.

What is Senate Bill 1383?

 In 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including methane from organic waste. SB 1383 sets goals for California businesses to reduce disposal of organic waste in the landfill, including recovering the maximum amount of surplus edible food for human consumption.

What is Edible Food?

What do businesses need to do?

● Recover the maximum amount of surplus edible food that would otherwise be disposed of (as compost or landfill) to feed people,

● Have a written agreement/contract with all food recovery organizations/services that pick up or receive edible food from their business, and

● Maintain records of type, frequency and pounds of food recovered each month.

Who is required to participate?

Shasta County's Food Recovery Efforts

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

List of edible food
Commercial edible food generators
edible food recovery goal chart