We believe that children should be:
Safe, healthy, in school, out of trouble, have a permanent home, and have the best chance to be productive citizens.
- Safety: Children have a right to be safe and parented with dignity in their own home, in kinship care, or in the foster care system.
- Health: Children need to be healthy in mind and body. They require comprehensive medical, dental, and mental health care. They need to grow up in an environment of normalcy.
- Education: Children need to be successful in school, be able to graduate, and learn the skills needed in adulthood.
- Out of trouble: Youth need to be raised with tolerance and care to teach them to avoid delinquency, substance abuse or unwanted pregnancy.
- Permanence: Youth need to return to family or to be placed in guardianship or adoptions in as timely a manner as possible.
- A future: Youth who leave foster care when they turn 18 should have a place to live, a job and a chance to go to college.
CHILD ABUSE REPORTING: 530-225-5144 (24 hours)
Where to find us:
1313 Yuba Street, Redding, (530) 225-5650
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ongoing cases:
1550 California St., Redding, (530) 229-8080
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
What we do:
Children's Services provides child welfare and children's mental health services, along with an array of other services to children and families in Shasta County. A 24-hour hotline is available for reporting suspected abuse and neglect.
Our team-based case management system provides intensive support to abused and neglected children and their families. Children's Services blends representatives from Social Services, Mental Health, Public Health, Probation, Shasta County Office of Education, Alcohol and Drug Programs, One SAFE Place and Americorps. Attorneys, judges and psychiatrists are also part of the team.
Health and education passports document a foster child’s medical and academic histories.
Child welfare also provides stability to children and teens in foster care. These children are either dependents (referred by child welfare) or wards of the court (referred by probation) who cannot return to their parents until safety, health and protection is secured. The goal is to reunify the family once the court determines that a parent and/or child is stable. Each child and parent has a case plan which is overseen by social workers and supported by Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug, Public Health, Shasta County Office of Education and Probation.
Our Foster Care Licensing and Adoptions programs recruit people who are interested in becoming foster or adoptive families for Shasta County children.