Address: 2650 Breslauer Way, Redding, CA 96001 | Clinic Phone Number: (530) 225-5591
- For more information, call our clinic by clicking our phone number to above.
- Get directions to our address using Google Maps by clicking our address above.
- Check the table below for our clinic and services business hours.
- These business hours are not for our immunization clinic hours.
- Our hours might change depending on different services and holidays.
- For any questions before or after business hours, call our Emergency Answering Service at (800) 971-1999.
- Emergency answering service is available 24/7.
Days |
Hours |
Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
- Water testing is temporarily unavailable at our Clinic. For more information on a local alternative check out our Water Testing page.
- For more information on COVID-19, Flu and RSV vaccines visit our new Vaccines for Respiratory Viruses Prevention page.
- The 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines are now available at the Shasta County Public Health Immunization Clinic.
- The Shasta County Public Health Immunization Clinic is a participant of the Bridge Access Program (BAP), please call for more information to see if you qualify.
- Flu vaccines are now available at the Shasta County Public Health Immunization Clinic.
- The RSV vaccines for the eligible infant and young children groups are now available through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program at the Shasta County Public Health Immunization Clinic.
- Ongoing measles cases and outbreaks across the country highlight the importance of vaccination to protect against serious illness. Learn more about total cases and outbreaks on CDC's Measles Cases and Outbreaks page.
Last Updated on: 06/25/2024 | Clinic & Services Unit