Shasta County Healthcare Facility Emergency Response Information
The partners and agencies involved in the Shasta Tehama Health Care Coalition (STHCC) include local hospitals, clinics, health centers, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, EMS, tribal governments, county and city fire and law enforcement, SHASCOM 911, Shasta County Public Health, Coroner, Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services, Shasta Tehama Amateur Radio Emergency Services, and the American Red Cross.
DOC45 [at] (Contact Shasta HPP Coordinators), for more information.
For emergency health alerts access the CAHAN Portal. For assistance with CAHAN SHASTACAHAN [at] (contact ShastaCAHAN).
Shasta - Tehama Health Care Coalition Meetings
Meetings are CONFERENCE CALLS & WEBINARS unless stated as IN-PERSON.
Scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of the Month, 10 am to 12 noon
- March 22, 2022
- April 26, 2022
- May 24, 2022
- June 28, 2022
Sierra-Sacramento Valley EMS Agency HPP LEMSA Project
2022 Events:
Region 3 CHEMPACK Full Scale Exercise - April 14, 2022
For exercises and real event responses HPP participants need to submit After Action Report (AAR) to DOC45 [at] (HPP Coordinator).
Training Resources
- Coalition Surge Test Manual
- Center for Domestic Preparedness
- CHA Emergency Preparedness: Preparing Hospitals for Disasters
- Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Training
- ICS/NIMS Online Course: ICS Web Training Course (IS-100, IS-200 & IS-700)
Healthcare Facility Emergency Information
- EMS Disaster Prep. Binder Contents 2017 FINAL
- Shasta County Healthcare Facility Emergency Information: Emergency Response Resources
- Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Forms
- California Public Health and Medical Emergency Operations Manual (EOM) Medical Health
Additional Resources
- Health Care Preparedness Response Capabilities: National Guidance for Healthcare System Preparedness
- CDC-Capability-Resource-Portfolio-2016 final: Capability resources
- Shasta County Disaster Healthcare Volunteers (DHV)
- Suicide Prevention Help Lines for First Responders (Anonymous)