Unsheltered Adult Homeless Assistance Program


Please be aware that this program has a long waiting list and housing may not be immediately available.

The Unsheltered Adult Homeless Assistance Program is for adults without children who are currently homeless. 

For more information about the Unsheltered Adult Program, contact 245-6645, email housingassistance [at] shastacounty.gov (housingassistance[at]shastacounty[dot]gov), or refer yourself by filling out and submitting the Housing Referral Form.

This program:

  • Helps with housing placement and barriers to housing
  • Provides assistance with communication to landlords
  • Gives follow-up case management services for 6-12 months

For application assistance and general resource referral, please contact our Community Health Advocates. They are located in five of the Health and Human Services Agency's regional office and work directly with vulnerable clients to reduce barriers to housing, health care, food, education and other personal needs. They can also be reached by phone at some of these offices.

Three Community Health Advocates speak Spanish, providing culturally appropriate services, translation and additional assistance related to cultural barriers. They refer directly to Health and Human Services Agency housing programs and work closely with eligibility workers and social workers to connect our community members to resources. They can be reached by calling (530) 225-5285 or emailing cha [at] shastacounty.gov (cha[at]shastacounty[dot]gov).