Women's Recovery & Resiliency Services

Silhuette of family "is addiction hurting you and your family?"

Women’s Recovery & Resiliency Services provides Substance Use Disorder Treatment for all Shasta County women. It provides gender specific trauma focused intensive day treatment; individual and group counseling; parenting skills development and case management. An on-site childcare co-op and transportation are available. Babies under the age of 4 months may remain with their mothers during treatment. See our brochure for more information.

Physical Address: 2615 Breslauer, Redding, CA 96001

Phone: (530) 245-6411

Hours: Monday - Friday; 8:00 am - noon, 1 - 5 p.m.

Eligibility: All Shasta County Women with Partnership Health Plan. Any women who is pregnant and actively abusing substances.

Application Process: Call for appointment: 245-6411.

Fees: Partnership HealthPlan

Note: Transportation and childcare cooperative (for children up to age 8) are available.